Clinical Case Review

Committee Mission Statement

The purpose of the Clinical Case Review Committee is to identify key drivers for readmissions as well as developing individual care plans to prevent a patient from being readmitted to the hospital by conducting comprehensive case review that includes all key stakeholders. Case reviews are selected by the leads of the committee that coincide with the focus of the RCC or by referral.

Committee Goals

  • Review a minimum of 10 cases with one of the identified areas of focus.
  • Develop a care plan for all cases reviewed.

Committee Charter

RCC Clinical Case Review Sub-Committee Charter

Want to see the goals from previous years? Access the goals archive here.


  • Perform a comprehensive review of 10 patients.
  • Develop a standardized care plan to use across all cases.
  • Implement a care plan for all cases reviewed.
  • Develop a way to perform clinical case reviews to provide alternative technical ways to include all stakeholders.
  • Investigate and report out to Stakeholder meeting on trends that drive readmissions.

Committee Meeting Schedule

This committee typically meets from 12pm-1pm on the second Tuesday of each month.

Clinical Case Review Members

Kathleen Boyd, RN

Kathleen Boyd, MSN, RN

Rutland Regional Medical Center

Sr. Director Care Management & Population Health

Samantha Helinski, RN

Samantha Helinski, RN

Rutland Regional Medical Center

Clinical Transitions Liaison

Rick Hildebrant, MD

Rutland Regional Medical Center

Chief Medical Information Officer